We’re super pleased to announce that we’ve teamed up with our friends (and neighbors) at Square to make it even easier for you to take invoice payments.

You’re now able to…

  • Take swipe payments on your iOS mobile device (using their free Square Reader)
  • Display Square as a payment option on invoices for web payments

**Note:** Square as a payment option is only currently available within our iOS app.

How to get set up – 4 easy steps

1. **Login to the InvoiceASAP Manage Account website**(www.invoiceasap.com > Login)

 2. Select ‘My Payment Methods’

 3. Create a Square Account OR Connect an existing Square Account

  • Select Square from the drop down.

  • If you don’t already have a Square account, click ‘Sign up for Square’.

  • If you do have a Square account, hit ‘Save’ and you’ll be directed to a Square login page. Login to Square and follow the setup instructions on screen.

 4. Install the latest InvoiceASAP iOS app

Download the latest version of InvoiceASAP – available on the Apple App store. Unfortunately Square isn’t currently available on Android.

**Once set up, Square will display as a payment option to customers when you send them invoices and take payments on your mobile.**

For more detailed setup instructions, check out our forum article on How to Accept Payments with Square.